biblioteca per bambini a Collodi
concorso internazionale
Young Architects Competitions
Paola Zatti + Victor Deplus
★ gold mention 4°posto
★ esposizione del progetto alla Triennale di Milano
YAC, Professione Architetto, Archiportale, Bustler
Imagination lives above the ground. Children have a fascinating capacity to dream and to imagine their own world, on a different level compared to reality. So the library is risen up from the ground. The building reminds therefore a tree house, a refuge. The star shape recalls the branches of a tree, from which Pinocchio is composed. The exterior wood façade of the library corresponds to the interior façade, completely enveloped by bookshelves. The central patio brings light and nature into the library, increasing the quality of the spaces.
The branches are organised by age according to their capabilities. We strongly believe in a sensorial experience of the library. Sensorial stimulation, through materials and light, is for the little ones a way to discover the world and for the elder ones to feed their creativity. This library is not just a place for children: parents should learn as well to use again their imagination.